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Police | Military Discounts

Supporting Our Heroes

Thank you for taking the time to visit my website.  I hope you found something you like.  As a small token of appreciation for your service, I would like to offer all military and law enforcement members a free eBook of your choice.  Click here to see Law Enforcement Offer. Continue Reading for Military Offer.


As an American, I firmly believe we owe our veterans and their families an enormous debt of gratitude.  Members of the Armed Forces routinely put themselves in harms way, travel to foreign lands, and risk their very lives to protect our rights and our freedoms.  Unfortunately, some also make the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf.  There is truly nothing we can say or do to adequately thank you and your family for your selfless service.  To show my support, I want to offer you (or an immediate family member) a free eBook.  This offer includes any of my published books, no exceptions.  Just look through my titles and pick your favorite.  How do you redeem this offer?  It's easy...

  • CLICK HERE to be taken to the Military Submission form.  Fill it out completely and hit submit
  • Once I receive the request, I will eMail you the book of your choice, in the format of your choice, to the email address you provide

That's it.  It really is that easy.  Worried about your personal information?  Let me set your mind at ease.  This is simply a Thank You, NOT a trick to get your email address so I can contact you, harass you, Spam you, or bother you in any way.  I will never sell or share your information with anyone.  The only eMail you will ever receive from me is the one that contains your free eBook. 

If you are interested in upcoming promos, new releases and events, feel free to subscribe to my blog.  You can do that by CLICKING HERE.  Either way, I hope you enjoy my story and once again, I thank you for your service.

Law Enforcement

Today more than ever, our law enforcement officers have a difficult and sometimes impossible career. The challenges they face are constantly changing and are becoming more and more dangerous with each passing day.  Police officers in the United States are making the ultimate sacrifice at a higher rate than ever before.  These brave men and women in blue keep us safe, usually behind the scenes.  Our Police Officers form that thin, but powerful line that protects us from danger.  They are the sheepdogs that stand between the sheep and the wolves that wish to do them harm.  No matter the threat, when everyone else is running away from danger, they run towards it.  They work long hours, miss birthday parties, holidays and anniversaries.  They are called away during all hours of the day or night to serve and protect their communities.  They perform this thankless job with honor and integrity.

With sincere gratitude, I thank you and your family for your service and would like to offer you (or an immediate family member) a free eBook.  This offer includes all of my currently published books, no exceptions.  Just look through my titles and pick your favorite.  How do you redeem this offer?  It's easy...

  • CLICK HERE to be taken to the LEO submission form.  Fill it out completely and hit submit
  • Once I receive the request, I will eMail you the book of your choice, in the format of your choice, to the email address you provide

That's it.  It really is that easy.  Worried about your personal information?  Let me set your mind at ease.  This is simply a Thank You, NOT a trick to get your email address so I can contact you, harass you, Spam you, or bother you in any way.  I will never sell or share your information with anyone.  The only eMail you will ever receive from me is the one that contains your free eBook. 

If you are interested in upcoming promos, new releases and events, feel free to subscribe to my blog.  You can do that by CLICKING HERE.  Either way, I hope you enjoy my story and once again, I thank you for your service.

2 comments on “Police | Military”

  1. Robert Hendriksen Reply

    My wife is Legally Blind. She absolutely loved you book Mount Haven. I just requested (military) the epub of book 2 in that series, and I’ll read it to her. I just want to have notice if you please of any other books you have in audio format, so she can continue to listen. If case you keep track of these things. I found you through a flyer that had been left at the VA amongst all the flyers for classes and medical studies was your little flyer with your website on it.

    • Melanie P. Smith Reply

      First of all, thank you for your service. I was thrilled to hear your wife enjoyed Mount Haven. I have emailed Moondance Ridge as requested. I do in fact have Moondance Ridge in production and the audiobook should be available later this year. Subterfuge (Book 3) is schedule to begin production as soon as book 2 is complete (as I am using the same narrator for all three books in the series).

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