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Write a new Entry... I hope you enjoyed visiting my website. If you have a minute, I'd love to hear what you thought. Did you find something you liked? Enjoy my books? Want to discuss my blog? Know the author? All comments welcome and once you're finished, be sure to spread the word and let others know what you think.
42 entries.
Just wanted to tell you I'm just grateful that i stumbled onto your website.
Extremely helpful looking onward to returning.
Wow, lovely website. Thnx ...
Kyle Oleynik
South Gate, California
wrote on October 28, 2016
11:00 pm
Very nice cat, he seems to really like sitting on the books. The cats do not seem to read.
Kyle Oleynik
South Gate, California
wrote on October 28, 2016
10:59 pm
I like this guestbook more then some of the other guestbooks that are placed on websites. It seems to provide lots of emoticons for building messages.
Jacque Blanton
West Jordan
wrote on October 21, 2016
6:33 pm
Love Mel!! Her writing definitely draws you into the books.
Debbie grant
wrote on October 21, 2016
6:22 pm
I'm so addicted to both of her series I can wait for more
I love your website, thank you for helping me out! As a new author I need to learn the ropes with someone experienced.
Your book covers look amazing!
Your book covers look amazing!
Admin Reply by: Melanie P. Smith
THANKS! I love to take pictures and use a lot of my own stuff for my covers.
Amanda Mann
New Bern
wrote on October 21, 2016
6:05 pm
Looking forward to starting the Warrior series! That single line has me super interested already!
Admin Reply by: Melanie P. Smith
Thanks for joining the party. Hope you are having a great time.
Renea Taylor
wrote on July 31, 2016
9:06 pm
Thank you, so much Melanie! Awesome job on this site and your spotlighting!
Frances Laskowski
Haddon Township
wrote on July 12, 2016
11:06 pm
You are awesome!
Jaylene Brower
West Jordan
wrote on July 12, 2016
10:32 pm
The Warrior Serious, 'Dusk 'was a great read. Can't wait to get my second book. Thank you!
Craig Meyer
wrote on July 12, 2016
8:37 pm
Not only a great writer but a great person as well! Keep up the awesome work!
Great site, Melanie. ๐ ๐ ๐ Thanks for everything you do for our group. ๐ ๐ ๐
Very impressive website, Melanie and very informative. Love the idea of a guest book.
wrote on July 10, 2016
1:29 am
One of the best author websites I've seen. Apart from easy navigation around the site, the catalogue of work is impressive.
The eMag is outstanding and is only one aspect of how this author gives back to her peers. As an Admin for the Indie Author Support and Discussion group, Melanie has also produced a superb indexed catalogue for the group website/blog:
I've had a look around, and I'll be back to spend quality time here. I have one MPS title in my TBR, but I have a feeling it will see additions. Great work Melanie.
The eMag is outstanding and is only one aspect of how this author gives back to her peers. As an Admin for the Indie Author Support and Discussion group, Melanie has also produced a superb indexed catalogue for the group website/blog:
I've had a look around, and I'll be back to spend quality time here. I have one MPS title in my TBR, but I have a feeling it will see additions. Great work Melanie.
Admin Reply by: Melanie P. Smith
Thank you, Tom, that means a lot coming from a fellow author. For those of you who haven't visited the IASD Group's website you can check it out HERE...
The group is comprised of hundreds of international authors that strive to interact, discuss, support and promote each other. The website is full of information, book links, and author bios. I have no doubt there is something for everyone. And, I am honored to be a part of such a talented and amazing group of individuals.
The group is comprised of hundreds of international authors that strive to interact, discuss, support and promote each other. The website is full of information, book links, and author bios. I have no doubt there is something for everyone. And, I am honored to be a part of such a talented and amazing group of individuals.
Hola! I love your site!
Wonderful site! Like another of your guests here, I didn't realize you had so many books out. After reading some of your intriguing story descriptions, I can now say that you are definitely on my To Be Read List! ?
Impressive site! Very easy to navigate. Loved your photos and books!
Awesome website Melanie!