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42 entries.
Hi. Just had a look around your site. I have read Mount Haven and didn't realise you had written so many. I am in for a treat! Lovely looking site and easy to navigate.
Admin Reply by: Melanie P. Smith
If you like paranormal/fantasy novels be sure to check out my Warrior Series. Click Here for a link to my brochure with all the information.
Cool website, I've just had a browse around. I love your photos but I haven't read any of your books as yet. Just ordered Mount Haven - really easy to use the site and the link took me straight to the UK Amazon. I shall come back and visit soon.
Sylva ?
Sylva ?
Admin Reply by: Melanie P. Smith
I hope you enjoy Mount Haven and thanks for the feedback, Sylva. It's great to hear my universal links are working as intended.