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***Progeny - The Final Chapter*** 

So, a long time ago, in a land far away... Just kidding.  No fairytales here.  Oh, wait.  This actually is about Fairies...or the Fae to be more exact.  And their counterparts... the Warriors.  Oh, and shifters and vampires and shadows.  What are those you might ask?  Well, there’s no better time than the present to find out.

I am thrilled to announce the seventh and final book in my Warrior Series is now available.  So, in honor of its release I have listed Dusk (Book 1) for sale throughout September for only .99c.  That’s right... ONLY .99c folks, what do you have to lose?  Get a great story for a great price.  And if you subscribe to my blog, you will also get Serendipity (Book 2.5 – A Warrior Novella) FREE!

But this isn’t just a buy my book post (wink, wink).  Well actually yes, you should buy my book.  But, all joking aside, I do want to talk a little about my writing journey.  I have always enjoyed writing, thinking about writing, and formulating story ideas in my mind.  It just took me a while to actually sit down and begin the process.  A few years back I finally put pen to paper, so to speak, and a series was born.

How did the Warriors come to life?  Well, there was this story idea that I just couldn’t stop thinking about.  As the story developed, I realized it would make a great series.  If I decided to write it, that is.  Early on, I realized it wasn’t going to be one story, but it would take many stories to tell this tale.  So, one night I began.  The first step was to map out my characters.  I knew who they were, what they looked like, how they acted and how many there were...seven.  I knew this because for several months they had been living in my head, screaming to get out, playing in Technicolor like a Hollywood movie.  Scene after scene unfolded as I drove to and from work, as I settled into bed each night, or as I did any number of menial tasks throughout the day.  These seven strong, faithful, honorable men...were my warriors.  They ultimately came to life in a seven book series, beginning with DUSK.  Oh yeah, did I mention Dusk is on sale throughout September for only .99c?

Fast forward several years to September 2016.  I just published Progeny, the seventh and final book in this series.  My journey has been long and very educational.  Along the way, I have learned a lot about writing, editing, proofing, web development and marketing.  I have also met some of the most amazing people around the world.  These are not just fellow authors, although some of them do write.  I’ve also met editors, proofers, beta readers, cover artists and reviewers as well.  All of these people make up the indie publishing world.  As a whole, they are some of the most selfless, knowledgeable and friendly people you could ever meet.  Yes, around the world.  I now have friends in the UK, Canada, Spain, and Australia.  We are all working towards the same goals.  And no, that is not fame and fortune (although that would be nice).  It is doing what we love and helping others succeed in their journey to do the same.  Ultimately, it’s bringing our stories to life for the enjoyment of our readers.


Publishing Progeny was bittersweet for me.  I have come to love the characters as if they are old friends and will miss them.  But, it is also time to move on.  I have so many new ideas and plots to work out and not nearly enough time write them all.  I will, however, do my best. 

So what’s in store for the future?  I am currently working on the second book in my Thin Blue Line Series and will soon begin the first book in another paranormal series.  I also have a few ideas for stand-alone novels.  Finally, there is  Paige Carter.  My Crime Blog has taken off and the deeper I get into the series, the more interesting Manti's newest deputy becomes.  The current season is always free so if you haven’t checked it out, you should get started on Season One while you still can.  Just CLICK HERE and start with Episode 1.

Happy Reading Everyone!


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