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Dusk: Warrior Series Book 1

ISBN 978-0692367056

Some Secrets Can be Lethal

The Adventure Begins... From the outside looking in, Alex Deveraux has it all.  Her mother married the wealthiest man in the nation, maybe the world.  She has an older brother who adores her and a step-father who would do anything to make her happy.  But the Deveraux family has secrets, deadly secrets.  And those secrets have finally caught up to Alex.  Her mother died just over a year ago.  Now her father is barely holding on so he can say goodbye.  Alex needs to know what is happening to her family.  The only one that can help is her brother.  But does she really want to hear what Thomas has to say?

Alex is half-human/half-fae.  She has lived her entire life as a human, oblivious to her true lineage.  When her father dies, her life is turned upside down.  She is forced into a world she never knew existed and a destiny she never wanted.  Alex is the Fae Queen and her people are at war with the vampires.  The fae need a strong leader if they are to survive.  Can Alex overcome her insecurities and rise to the challenge?  And how will Dimitri, the sexy new warrior leader play into her future?

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11 comments on “Dusk”

  1. Completely Honest Book Reviews Reply

    This book was my introduction to this Author and I have to say, she far surpassed my expectations!

    I won this book in a giveaway during one of the FB events that a friend invited me too. I’ll admit, the cover kind of threw me a bit. Sometimes even I fall prey to judging a book by its cover and while it’s a beautiful picture, it’s not normally something that would catch my attention when it comes to books I like, but the description of the book did. Which was why I was looking forward to giving it a shot and boy am I glad I did!

    We are introduced to Alex, a seemingly normal girl who had lost both of her parents in a short amount of time, and after losing her father, she returns home to be with her brother Thomas. It’s not long after her father’s death that Thomas basically throws her into a completely different world, that they have managed to keep from her for her entire life, and everything is turned upside down. Now Alex must learn to cope with all of it and help to keep those she loves alive, all while trying to stay alive herself.

    For all those who love book about vampires and Fae, Dusk is the start of a great series! One of the best I have actually read. It kept me on the edge of my seat and made it very hard to put the book down! I immediately fell in love with the characters and sometimes felt like I was right in the fight with them.

    Some minor complaints I have would be the editing. There were a few mistakes punctuation wise (which I completely understand as I, myself, write fanfiction on occasion and I know how you can get so deep into the story that your fingers move without you knowing about it) and some of the sentences could have been combined to make it flow a little easier.

    But that did not interfere with the story nor did it affect my reading in the slightest. The story just naturally flowed and I can’t wait to get into the second book of this series! Melanie P. Smith has definitely become one of my favorite authors!

    Rating: 5 out of 5 stars!

  2. Melanie Pendleton Reply

    My daughter and I love this book. My daughter totally loves this series and is ahead of me on reading it. Love all the characters.

  3. Undeniably Addicted to Books Reply

    We start this story with a young woman named Alex, who rushes home from Italy with the news of her fathers passing just a year after losing her mother. Alex returns home to her step brother, and here she meets Dimitri the man who enthralls her and yet repels her at the same time. She learns some secrets that her parents had kept hidden from her but not her brother for the past 20 years. Alex is thrown into a world she never knew existed when she learns she’s not only different, she’s the Fae Queen. Her people are struggling on the verge of war against her half brother, the leader of the Vampires who feels wronged by Alex’s ascent to the throne and her parents keeping her hidden may have done more harm than good by keeping her from her people. We follow along on her quest to learn more about who she is, while trying to save a people she doesn’t even know will accept her.

    Alex is a great strong female lead, I loved her witty personality. She was caring, loyal, and a warrior through and through. Dimitri starts off as your typical broody male lead, but as the story continues he opens up and you begin to just love his charm. The supporting characters were great, they brought it all together for a story you couldn’t help but enjoy. I found myself constantly smiling throughout this book, and I am happy to have had the chance to read it. If you’re a fan of paranormal romance with a little bit of kick butt action than you should grab a copy of Dusk and enjoy.


    (ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.)

  4. Prismseven Reply

    I received a copy of this story in exchange for a honest review. The beginning of the story had a feel of several other paranormal stories I’ve read in the past but the author was able to add a nice twist to the storyline. I enjoyed the story and I’m looking forward to reading book two in the series.

  5. Rhoda D'Ettore Reply

    If you enjoyed True Blood, this is the book for you. Although not my normal genre to read, I read all of the True Blood series after discovering the HBO show. This book is along those lines as far as story and plot (but a clean version)and will compel supernatural enthusiasts to keep turning the pages. A half-human/half-fairy has lived her entire life as human unbeknownst of her true lineage. After some life altering tragedies, her world is turned upside when she discovers the truth about her parents and the supernatural powers she possesses. Thrown into the middle of a raging war between vampires and fairies, Alex must find the strength to rally her people together for their safety— and her own.

    This book is well written with a good flow. From the first chapter, Alex’s emotions about her father are vividly depicted in a way which allows the reader to relate and connect. The story is written in a third person, past tense and has little or no grammatical errors or typos. Format: The text is left aligned (some readers insist on justified), and there are no excessive spaces or blank pages. It was an easy read I finished in two sittings. Thank you Ms. Smith for an interesting story.

  6. Linda Taylor Reply

    This is a great read from start to finish. Once I started to read it, I couldn’t put it down. I understand this is Melanie’s first work and she definitely hit it out of the park! I can’t wait until the next book is released. I hope it’s soon. I highly recommend this book. It has it all…mystery, suspense, romance and surprise! Thanks, Melanie, for a great, much needed escape.

  7. Cindy Jensen Reply

    This is a exciting read that keeps your attention through out the entire book. I can’t wait for the next book in the series to come out.

  8. Chris Jensen Reply

    Dusk is exciting. It is different than anything I have read before.
    It takes place in a supernatural world, in several locations, bustling city life and quiet forest. Except for …..
    This book is full of romance and suspense and has the ability to keep a reader entertained till the end.
    Melanie has used her talents and imagination to create a series to delight a reader who enjoys the paranormal and romance.
    I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and highly recommend Dusk and look forward to the next volume of the series.

  9. Heidi Avalos Reply

    Im always looking for a good paranormal book and this one had it all. Vampires, fairies, were-animals and more. It was a good read from start to finish. I would recommend this book to all ages from teens to adults. I’m anxiously awaiting the next book….

  10. Autumn Braithwaite Reply

    Oh wow… I read this book and LOVED it!!! I got caught up in reading it and could not put it down. This book was excellently written and I can’t wait for the next book to come out. Best book I have read this year!!!

  11. Lee Smith Reply

    I read this book for two reasons, it’s my wife’s first work and she asked me to read it. (like I could say no). And two, I was curious to know if I knew somebody who could write. Well… I was pleasantly surprised. It was a good read. I found myself looking forward to the next book in the series to see what happens next.

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