Hi Melanie
I was asked to vote for a friends poetry book by Kenny Wilson
So after I subscribed to your site I had a look around, your site is very informative for any up and coming writers.
I myself have written some poems, but then suddenly one day I started to write a children's story out the blue.
I've also started following you on Instagram
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42 entries.
Hello Melanie,
I was introduced to your sight by Mehran Hashemi, a fantastic poet and artist from Iran who is in your contest. If you have not read his book, I highly recommend it. It is very unique. I decided to subscribe to your news letter. You have a wonderful site. I am also a writer and poet and will take a look around your wonderful website! Thank you!
Kristy Raines
I was introduced to your sight by Mehran Hashemi, a fantastic poet and artist from Iran who is in your contest. If you have not read his book, I highly recommend it. It is very unique. I decided to subscribe to your news letter. You have a wonderful site. I am also a writer and poet and will take a look around your wonderful website! Thank you!
Kristy Raines
I am here because I am a fan of EJ Frost and I voted for Teddyโs Boys. I also subscribed to your newsletter.
Lovely site - I really enjoy a morning browse before I start my day.
Love eConnections and the readerโs choice contest
Love eConnections and the readerโs choice contest
Great contest!
Thank you for letting me enter!
Thank you for letting me enter!
Iโve loved every one of your books that I have read. However, I havenโt been able to read as many as I want too because Iโm visually impaired and reading is a slow, painful process. Imagine my delight when you started publishing your work on Audible! Iโve purchased and listened to them all (some of them more than once). Please, please, please get more of your work out to us on audio - it is such a life-changer for so many of us! God bless - Brandy
Admin Reply by: Melanie P. Smith
Brandy, thank you so much. I'm glad you're enjoying my work. Unfortunately, converting my work into audio is rather slow process. I'm working on it though, and hope to have additional titles available in 2020.
Hi ,
Iโm new to your site . I like your site .
Do you publish books from new authors?
Iโm new to your site . I like your site .
Do you publish books from new authors?
Admin Reply by: Melanie P. Smith
Thank you. I'm glad you like the site. Unfortunately, we do not publish unsolicited work from fellow authors. We do however, work with new authors to help them promote their own work once it is published.
I enjoyed The Blue Line Series. I read The Twisted Branch. Now I have started the Warrior Series and I'm glued to it. I enjoy all your books and how you carry each character into the next book.
Love the new additions to your site!
Love your site!
Hey! I'm excited to read your books and spend more time on your website!
Love the website-- extremely user friendly and lots to see!
Hi. Pleasure to meet you
Thanks, the site is really beneficial. Will certainly share website with my pals.
Passion the site-- very individual friendly and lots to see!
Many thanks very valuable. Will share website with my buddies.
I enjoyed strolling through your website. My favorite feature was your photography. The scenes you captured painted by God were truly breathtaking!
Hey there, from one former British colonist to another....good luck
Excellent website and very easy to negotiate. Good info too
What a great website you have, Melanie. It's so easy to maneuver the pages and time just flew. Oh, and your books look fabulous.