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Penny Luker

Penny Luker – A teacher and Head Teacher, then an Associate Lecturer with the Open University. she now spends her time writing stories and poems. When she’s not writing, she enjoys playing the piano and ukulele and painting in watercolor.

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Author Lucinda E. Clarke

Lucinda E. Clarke – I’m retired now. No, I’m pretending, and working 24/7 writing books and trying to sell the wretched things. Once I make the first million or five, I’ll be off sailing round the world scribbling on my mega yacht.

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Tom Benson

Tom Benson Is a multi-genre author. He has been writing since 2007. He has published novels, anthologies of short stories, a five-part novel, a variety of erotica books, and a series of genre-based poetry.

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Rita Chapman

Rita Lee Chapman – Rita Chapman was born in London and moved to Australia in her early twenties. She is the author of the Anna Davies Mystery Series. Other novels include crime mysteries and a tale for horse lovers.

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